Author Archives: Dan Frost

Cancer and infection. Part 9

Escherichia coli and Streptococcus bovis in colon cancer Several bacteria have now been linked to chronic infections of the colon and an increased risk of colon cancer. These include Escherichia coli (McCoy and Mason suggested this in 1951) and in more recent studies Streptococcus bovis. Colon cancer incidence that may be associated with S. bovis […]

Cancer and infection. Part 8

Stats on infection of cancer patients with Mycoplasmas The numbers of cancer patients who are infected with these bacteria is unknown, but where reasonable studies have been carried out the results are frightening. A study from China by Su Huang (2001) published in the World Journal Gastroenterology, gave the results shown below. Connection between Helicobacter […]

Cancer and Infection. Part 7

Bacteria that become cell wall deficient have the ability to make enormous changes in their appearance. They have the following characteristics: * They may disintegrate totally if fixed on a slide by heating (the standard method of fixing). * They usually grow on soft agar. * They may grow within red blood cells. * They […]

Cancer and Infection. Part 6

The paper Cultural Properties and Pathogenicity of Certain Microorganisms obtained from various Proliferative and Neoplastic Disease was first published in 1950, a team effort by Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston-Wheeler’s name from a previous marriage), Eleanor Alexander-Jackson, John Anderson, James Hillier and Roy Allen. In this they described how they cultured pleomorphic organisms from human and animal […]

Cancer and Infection. Part 5

Early drugs utilising bacterial effect on virus Gregory experimented with various bacteria to find if they would affect this virus he had found, and had some success in his treatment of cancer patients using the bacteria Bacillus subtilis Tracy 1. He produced a filtrate of this bacteria, mixed it with a saturated magnesium sulphate solution, […]

Cancer and Infection. Part 4

In Canada, OC Gruner (1935) was also studying pleomorphic organisms and cancer. He isolated such an organism, which he named Cryptomyces pleomorpha, from a breast tumour. He found that: The organism could be detected in circulating blood by direct examination. It was detected amongst tumour cells in the original neoplasm. An organism of the same […]

Cancer and Infection. Part 3

1911: Virally-induced cancer In 1911 Peyton Rous published one of the earliest proofs of virally-induced cancer in A Sarcoma of the Fowl Transmissible by an Agent Separable from the Tumour Cel. Significantly it took until 1966 for him to be awarded a Nobel Prize for this discovery. 1925: Micrococcus cultured from breast cancer Dr J […]

Cancer and infection. Part 2

Current bacteriology has subsequently discovered some exceptions to this definition. For example the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae that causes leprosy cannot be grown in ‘pure culture'; and generally accepted ‘harmless’ bacteria may cause immense damage if an immuno-compromised patient becomes infected. 1884: Tumours contain parasites but are not caused by parasites In 1884 the President of […]

Cancer and infection. Part 1

Cancer may be induced through multiple factors. These include environmental factors, carcinogens, as a factor of ageing, genetic mutations, immune system disorders, poor diet and by some viruses. There is a long history found in the scientific literature implicating bacterial infection as cancer induction. For over 100 years scientists have cultured varying bacteria from tumours […]

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defective ion channels, resulting in multiorgan dysfunction, most notably affecting the respiratory tract. The alteration in pulmonary environment is associated with increased susceptibility to bacterial infections. These bacterial infections and the ensuing infl ammation damage the airway epithelium and cause recurrent episodes of acute exacerbations, […]